Benefits of having a break

How having a breAk can improve your overall fitness and performance

Taking a break

I often find myself feeling guilty when I take a break from training. The little voices in my head are always telling me that it will hinder my progress. This is one of the key problems I have had over my training life is knowing when to stop and take a break. I must always remind myself that taking a break allows my body to make the adaptations and fully recover so that I can start my next training block in good health and spirits.


With the Xmas and new year season fast approaching I thought I would write out this article listing out the benefits of taking a break, so that if you are like me you won’t feel guilty about taking a week or two of over the Xmas period.


The benefits…


Muscle Repair and Growth: After intense training sessions, the body requires time to repair microtears in muscle fibers and build them back stronger. Adequate recovery allows for this repair process, leading to muscle growth and improved strength over time.


Injury Prevention: Overtraining or not allowing enough time for recovery can increase the risk of injuries. Giving the body adequate rest helps in reducing the chances of overuse injuries, strains, and other training-related injuries.


Improved Performance: Proper recovery ensures that your muscles, tendons, and ligaments are in optimal condition for your next training session. This means you can train more effectively and efficiently, leading to better overall performance in your chosen sport or activity.


Mental Reset: Training is not just physically demanding; it can also be mentally taxing. Recovery periods provide a mental break, helping to reduce burnout, fatigue, and mental exhaustion. This mental refreshment can lead to increased motivation, focus, and enjoyment in training.


Optimal Hormonal Balance: Intense training can temporarily disrupt hormonal balance, leading to increased cortisol levels (a stress hormone) and decreased levels of other hormones that aid in recovery and muscle growth. Proper recovery helps restore hormonal balance, ensuring that the body is in an optimal state for training and recovery.


Incorporating recovery strategies such as rest days, adequate sleep, proper nutrition, stretching, and techniques like foam rolling or massage can help maximize these benefits and support long-term training success. (Read our article on various ways to optimise recovery here)


Things to keep in mind while taking a break


Even though you are taking a break, remember, you are an athlete, you still want the other components of your life to be supporting your overall lifestyle. Things you should be especially careful of during the Xmas period is diet and getting good sleep (although letting loose for a day or two won’t make that much of a difference). I would also recommend doing some very light exercise so that you maintain the fitness you have worked so hard at throughout the year. This could be a 20 to 30 min jog or bag work session or a light weight session a couple of times a week.

That said, remember to relax over the holidays so you can fully recover and come back in the New Year fighting fight and ready for action! Merry Xmas and a happy New Year! We look forward to seeing you all in 2024!


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