How to Look after Your Kickboxing Gear

How to Care for Your Kickboxing Gear


Kickboxing, an intense and sweaty martial art. This can lead to some smelly situations in class so learning how to take care of kickboxing equipment is crucial to avoid socially awkward situations but also for hygiene, comfort, and the longevity of the gear. This article explores effective ways to keep your kickboxing equipment clean, odour-free, and in good condition, benefiting both you and your training partners.



The Importance of Clean Gear


Clean gear is essential for several reasons:

  1. Hygiene: Kickboxing involves close contact with training partners. Clean gear minimizes the risk of skin infections and the spread of bacteria.

  2. Comfort: Well-maintained equipment is more comfortable to use, enhancing your training experience.

  3. Longevity: Regular cleaning extends the life of your gear, saving money in the long run.

  4. Respect: Clean gear shows respect for your training partners and coaches, creating a pleasant training environment.


Cleaning and Maintenance Tips


Gloves and Pads

  1. Air Out After Use: Always air out your gloves and pads after training. This prevents moisture build-up, which is a breeding ground for bacteria.

  2. Wipe Down: Use a damp cloth to wipe the exterior. For a deeper clean, use a mild disinfectant or a mixture of water and vinegar.

  3. Use Glove Deodorizers: These absorb moisture and keep the insides smelling fresh.

  4. Avoid Direct Sunlight for long periods: When drying, avoid direct sunlight for more than 10mins as it can degrade the material.


Shin Guards

  1. Clean After Every Session: Wipe down shin guards with a damp cloth and mild soap.

  2. Air Dry: Let them dry completely before storing to prevent mould and odour.

  3. Check for Damage: Regularly inspect for cracks or tears, which can compromise protection.


Headgear and Mouthguards

  1. Rinse Mouthguards After Use: Clean with toothpaste or mouthguard cleaner. Store in a ventilated case and wash case regularly.

  2. Clean Headgear Regularly: Wipe with a disinfectant wipe and air dry.


Clothing and Wraps

  1. Wash After Every Use: Wash training clothes and hand wraps after each session to prevent bacterial growth and odour.

  2. Use Odour-Removing Detergents: Certain sports detergents are formulated to remove tough odours.


Reducing Smell

  1. Baking Soda: Sprinkle baking soda in gloves and shoes to absorb odours. Be careful not to use too much!

  2. Essential Oils: A few drops of essential oils can add a pleasant scent and have antibacterial properties.

  3. Frequent Washing: Regular washing of all fabric items is the most effective way to prevent odours. Do not do this with synthetic fibres or leathers.


Importance for Training Partners and Wallet

  1. Training Partners: Keeping your gear clean is a matter of respect and safety for those you train with. It prevents the spread of germs and maintains a pleasant training environment.

  2. Your Wallet: Taking care of your gear means you won't have to replace it as often. High-quality kickboxing gear can be expensive, so maintenance is a cost-effective practice.



Maintaining your kickboxing gear is a vital part of the sport. Not only does it ensure a hygienic and pleasant training environment, but it also protects you and your training partners!


By following these simple yet effective care routines, you can extend the life of your equipment, save money, and avoid punching your partner with a smelly glove. Remember, clean gear is not just about appearance; it's about safety!

Kickboxing Equipment