Choosing the right MARTIAL art

Choosing the right martial art

Starting your martial arts journey is an exciting and transformative experience, but it can also be overwhelming with the wide range of fighting styles to choose from. Each martial art has its own unique set of skills and focuses, making it important to understand what you can learn from each one before making your decision.

Sanda Kickboxing

Sanda kickboxing is a dynamic martial art that combines elements of modern kickboxing with wrestling and throws. By training in Sanda, you will develop a well-rounded skill set in various aspects of stand-up fighting. This includes boxing techniques, kicks, basic clinch work, and throws. Sanda provides a comprehensive foundation for martial artists and serves as an excellent stepping stone to more versatile combat sports like Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).

Muay Thai

Muay Thai, often referred to as the "art of eight limbs," is a striking-based martial art that emphasizes the use of fists, elbows, knees, and shins. Training in Muay Thai will make you an exceptional kickboxer, teaching you how to effectively strike at different ranges. This martial art covers long-range kicks, close-range boxing techniques, and powerful strikes from the clinch. Muay Thai is renowned for its completeness in striking skills.


Boxing is a pure striking art that focuses solely on using your fists. Practicing boxing will hone your hand speed, head movement, and footwork to levels unmatched in other martial arts. It's the perfect choice for individuals looking to develop exceptional hand-to-hand combat skills. While it doesn't include kicks or grappling, boxing excels in refining the fundamentals of striking.


If striking isn't your preference and you aspire to control and dominate your opponents through takedowns and ground control, wrestling is an ideal choice. In wrestling, you'll learn the intricacies of throws, suplexes, hip throws, and grappling techniques. The primary goal is to take down your opponent and pin them to the ground, rendering them powerless to strike back. Wrestling offers a unique skill set focused on dominance and control.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, often referred to as BJJ, is a formidable martial art specializing in ground fighting. BJJ practitioners master a comprehensive system of submissions, positional control, and escapes. You'll learn how to immobilize and control your opponent, applying various chokes, strangles, joint locks, and pressure techniques. BJJ is highly effective and provides a profound understanding of ground combat.

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

MMA combines elements of multiple martial arts into one comprehensive discipline. By training in MMA, you'll integrate the skills acquired from striking arts like Sanda Kickboxing and boxing with the grappling and ground control techniques of BJJ and wrestling. MMA fighters become well-rounded martial artists capable of adapting to various scenarios, making them versatile and effective in both stand-up and ground fighting situations.

In conclusion, the choice of a martial art should align with your personal goals, preferences, and the skills you wish to acquire. Each martial art offers a unique path to self-improvement and discipline. Ultimately, the best martial art for you is the one that resonates with your interests and aspirations.

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